Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My Topic: I chose my topic because I was interested about my university not carrying free EpiPens(Epinephrine Auto injectors) on all of its campuses for student's who have food allergies. It made me think about other university's that do not carry free EpiPens for college students period. Any one can develop a serious food allergy. Some people may not even know that they have one until they get tested.

Who I Contacted And Why: So what did I do? I wrote a letter to the president of my university and decided to create this blog about the issue. When I first wrote my letter I did not know if I wanted to write to congress to make it a requirement that all university's carried free EpiPens for students. Or just write a letter to my schools president about our school's issue. I decided to write to my school's president because I figured he would actually read my letter and I would receive feedback.

Want To Help?: If any of my viewers want to get involved in the Make EpiPens Free For University Student's ie us. Please feel free to spread the word.

  • This was part of a class project I did in my English 151 Course. You can find out more more about our class project at